Ayrshire Referees Association
Ayrshire Referees Association

Fitness Tests

Physical Fitness Tests for active referees within the Association requires to be undertaken by all applicants for inclusion to the Referees Categories for Senior football. Each member applying for inclusion to the Referee Categories for Senior football need to have proof of passing the fitness test. The Assocaition manager will do this on behalf of the member. There will be a fitness test in August with a further test scheduled for April or at a time and date as directed by the SFA. The Association Manager will inform the SFA of all the officials who fail the test. The requirements are as follows but can be changed at anytime by the SFA:

Fitness test for official listed personnel

(a)    6 x 40m sprint with a 1 min. recovery after each sprint. The sprint must be completed in 6.2 seconds for a referees and 6.0 seconds for an assistant referee.

(b)    150m run in 30 seconds followed by a 50m walk in 35 seconds. This is repeated which gives 1 lap. Category 3 & 4 referees will have the time increased to 40 seconds for the walk. This has to be done for a total of 10 laps.

Fitness test for non-listed officials

The Association has a fitness test for non-listed officials and can be reviwed at any time by the Association Manager and trainers:

(a)    4 x 40m sprint with a 1 min. recovery after each sprint. The sprint must be completed in 7 seconds.

(b)    150m run in 35 seconds followed by a 50m walk in 45 seconds. This is repeated but the time for the walk is increased to 50 seconds. This gives 1 lap and the exercise is repeated until 7 laps have been completed.

In addition to this physical criteria there is also a requirement to attend a minimum of 4 monthly meetings and also attend 15 training sessions.

Members who officiate at all grades of football are required to maintain an acceptable level of fitness. To achieve this, the following guideline for attendance at training over the course of the season is:

Categories Attendance Required
1-4B 75%
5 50%
6 & Other Referees 40%

Whilst a member's classification is made on the recommendation of the Association Manager, it is the case that attendance at training is taken into account in this regard. Any member who fails to attend training and sit and pass the Physical Fitness test for Referees by the date specified by the Association Manager, may be subject to a review of not only their grading but also their suitability to officiate at any level.

As a result, training facilities are available to all members on Monday evenings at The Circuit in Irvine and Wednesday evenings at Irvine Community Sports Club.

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